“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014”
liam // We cut your hair this weekend, making you look older and so much like your uncle Dave. I often notice how you bite your lip like this when you’re nervous or extremely focused. In this instance, we were both standing outdoors barefoot, thinking we were stronger than the cold, misty afternoon. We were wrong and quickly tucked back into our cozy home.
burke // We bought another hat for you to rotate wearing this winter because you love soft, warm things so much. Your father says you remind him of Holden Caulfield in it. I think you’ll like that character one day.
blythe // This weekend we went to see the Nutcracker ballet, and as I watched you lean forward and focus on the story and movements, I knew one day we’ll be watching you, too. I love seeing that sliver of your heart that comes alive with music and dance.
olive // This week you made me coffee, adding cream and sugar to your own liking. After you gave it to me, you hugged me tightly and said, “I missed you so much last night.” I had to remind you we were only sleeping–though I imagine your night dreaming to be just as busy as your activity in the day, my very busy bee. I’m sure it felt like ages to you.