Sleep Rhythms + the Impact of Blue Light
Evening routines have become tricky with teenagers in the home. As fatigue sets in and I crave my bedroom space, they seem to move in the opposite direction, refueled after dinner and ready to settle
Nurturing Wholeness | Five Wellness Habits This Year
The end of October is a strange month to discuss habits, I know. Yet what I hope to encourage is that shifting a lifestyle pattern can happen at any point in the year, with the simplest
Nurturing Wholeness | Evening Rituals + Sleep
At some point I’ve realized many of the boundaries and routines I create for my children are habits intended for me, for my well-being as well. How often do I manage my children’s intake of nutrients
Nurturing Wholeness | Morning Rituals
NURTURING THE WHOLE SELF As a mother, it has become easy for me to define nurturing as something I give to others–whether in marriage, mothering, friendship, creative pursuits, or service–but I’m slowly realizing as life increasingly
for the weekend | juice recipes and thoughts on rest
There’s been an unplanned, obvious lull in this space the last two months, and I’ll admit on certain days, I’ve been frustrated by it. In short, there are simply too many things that I want
for the weekend | a family day hike
Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity. ― John Muir, Our National Parks We live in Central Texas, far
on endurance of heart
“So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit We’re nearing the final days of May, a little shocking for me since this month has been so atypically cool and