giveaway | shea paper co.



I’m thrilled to introduce Crystal Hethcote, the talented illustrator and owner of Shea Paper Co., and today, we’re partnering to give away one print or set of cards to a lucky reader. I really love the intention and richness of Crystal’s work, ranging from the simplest greeting cards to the prints she made for her children’s bedroom to the larger 8×10 illustrations. When I first visited her shop, I immediately connected with this piece, “Let Your Heart Be Heard.” It takes courage to create or speak from your heart and share it with the world, and I appreciate the boost of bravery this print gives everyone in our home–be heard.

You can enter the giveaway below, and generously, Crystal is also offering 20% OFF her entire store to all readers. Simply enter cloisteredaway at checkout. Crystal, please tell us some more about yourself.


How and when did Shea Paper Co. first begin?  I launched my shop a couple of years ago, mostly to be the outlet for my need to make things and to create. I have dreamed of having a greeting card line since I was young; I just launched that this year, so I’m having a lot of fun with it.

Who/what most inspires your work? I’m inspired by love, things of meaning, and whimsy or quirk. A lot of my prints are inspired by Jesus, and my cards are inspired by images and colors that make me happy- something I’d like to receive.


How do you balance home life? Do you have a tip to share? One thing I love about my shop is that I can make and create on my own time. Being a mom of an almost 2, 3 and 4 year old and watching my sweet 3 year old niece during the day can make it difficult for me to be tied to anything that needs a lot of commitment to quick deadlines. My best tip is to take advantage of nap time ;).

When you’re not working what might you be doing? I love taking the kids to the state park that is not too far from our house, or if we’re not out, we tend to build some mighty impressive Duplo towers–all with coffee in hand, of course.

shea paper co favorites

Crystal’s favorite things // denim/chambray shirts I’d wear them every day if it would be socially acceptable. // My husband, kids and I lived in Haiti for a short time. I miss it there sometimes, and we hope to revisit soon. // fish tacos with all the fixin’s. The warm weather makes me crave them, and they’re simple which is definitely a bonus! // Lately when I’m reading it’s usually a children’s book (which I love and am also inspired by the illustrations!) But, the last book I read for myself was Love Does and it was wonderful. // Can’t live without? fine tip pens or my iphone. It’s a toss up.

Thank you for sharing, Crystal. Good luck with the giveaway, everyone! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

All images by Cloistered Away. Print c/o Shea Paper Co. 

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  1. HUGE fan of the “let your heart be heard” print. was drawn to it right when i saw your post, bethany!


  2. I really love the cards- especially the ones with watercolors.

  3. I love the John 15:12 print. Very glad to have met this woman and her beautiful shop!

  4. I am loving the “Let Your Heart Be Heard” and “Amazing Grace” prints. Such talent!!

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