When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. — Marcus Aurelius
I’ve been thinking on these words since a friend on Instagram shared them a few days ago. As you can imagine, life has not slowed down for us–and with ten people under one roof, it’s not all that hard to imagine really. It can be noisy and messy and — did I say noisy? It’s easier to see and focus on those things now because they demand my immediate attention and they are antithetical to adulthood and maturity. However, in the midst of the clutter and various routines and chatter is life–childhood and parenthood and this relatively brief interval of time when they overlap. That’s the perspective I want everyday, the lesson I’ve been learning lately (and possibly always): today is a gift. Life (breath, thought, love, laughter, sharing, etc.) is a gift.
I’m currently slowing down the days by giving thanks (as mentioned in the previous post), finding the everyday somethings, the everyday “privileges,” no matter how small. I’ve hardly been able to pick up my real camera, but here’s a few snippets of our happenings lately: the gifts of life. (Find more of our daily happenings by following me on Instagram @cloisteredaway) Happy Friday everyone.
Always a treat to find you here, my friend! Great little post:)
Yes. Ideally, we’ll meet elsewhere again soon.