The Gingerbread Man
by Rowena Bennett
The gingerbread man gave a gingery shout:
“Quick open the oven and let me out!”
He stood up straight in his baking pan.
He jumped to the floor and away he ran.
“Catch me,” he called, “if you can, can, can.”
The gingerbread man met a cock and a pig.
And a dog that was brown and twice as big.
But he called to them all as he ran,
“You can’t catch a runaway gingerbread man.”
Then he came to a fox and he turned to face him.
He dared old Reynard to follow and chase him;
But when he stopped under the fox’s nose
Something happened. What do you suppose?
The fox gave a snap. The fox gave a yawn,
And the gingerbread man was gone, gone, gone.
Today, the kids and I drank hot cocoa and read this poem aloud together, laughing at the haughty little gingerbread man and his fate. Over the weekend, we had built a gingerbread house together, something we do each year (the pre-made kits of course). Some years we build our house at the beginning of December and leave it out on display–their piece of art to discuss with friends and other visitors. Other years, they, like the hungry fox, snap it up only hours after creation. This year was the latter.
Great post.
I love family traditions! So cool.
Surprisingly, we don’t have very many, but I love this one! I would love to establish a few more simple and meaningful traditions as well. This feels easier because it’s seasonal, not something to maintain year round. What are some of your favorite traditions?
This is my first visit here to your gorgeous blog! It was wonderful reading you are a sister in Christ…Merry Christmas.
Welcome and thank you, Laurie. A merry Christmas to you as well!
We baked cookies over the weekend while listening to Christmas songs! I love this!
How fun! Baking always seems to make the holidays feel more festive for us. Thank you, Katerina.