a daytrip to Galveston



Life, with its rules, its obligations, and its freedoms, is like a sonnet: You’re given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself.
― Madeleine L’Engle, A Wrinkle in Time

Kristen and I spontaneously packed the kids into the car on Friday to meet our sister-in-law and nieces at the coast — a 6-hour roundtrip from our home.  After spending so much time in the ‘Burban at the beginning of summer, it felt almost second-hand to pile our six kids in with books and snacks and towels and lunches and drinks and shovels and chairs and the stroller. And aside from the 7 bathroom stops on the way home–one that occurred using a water-bottle and no stopping–and the horrible rain-turned-hail-storm we hit on the way home, the day seemed strategically perfect, a sandy, exhausting tribute to summer’s end.

On another note, I still have two weeks worth of summer travels to share with you. I don’t know why, but I always imagine I have more time than I actually do.  All things normal have become strange with our new transitions, and in so many ways, I’m learning all things new again. I’ll be back soon.

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  1. Pingback: linger / buy / read / try – cloistered away | enjoying simplicity

  2. Looks like a fantastic day in the sun! I love the idea of getting up and just driving somewhere- I need to do it more often!

  3. “I’m learning all things new again.” I image. that seaweed? hair. awesome. sounds like a perfect way to salute summer and welcome a new school year. great shots.

  4. Reminds me of when Totila and I lived in LaMarque and I would make an early morning trip to Galveston to see the dolphins swimming and collect shells. Love it. I was with ya’ll in spirit! Lynn—Love to all.

  5. So, jealous of ya’ll getting to do this, then I remember the pee bottle and I’m okay again. =) Thanks for documenting all the life!

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