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Even in the mud and scum of things, something always, always sings.
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

bath-time conversations / hide-and-seek / making and loving these / visit from Nina + Papa / starting our school routine again / a family walk / sharing  / new light fixtures (photo by Tim) / help and laughter in the kitchen / each sharing the best+worst part of each day at dinner; clapping happens when someone says “no worst today” / inviting the messy table again / quiet time with a favorite read / new haircuts

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    1. Oh yes. Life is quite the busy mess around here. We’re cohabiting with my sister and brother-in-law and their two children–an adventure for sure.

  1. I love that it is hard to tell the cousins from the siblings. Such a gift for all of them.

    1. Haha! So true. So true. They love and fight like siblings, for sure. It is a gift. Thank you for the reminder today.

  2. sweetness. mmmm, that bundle of cilantro. love the one with the woman (sister?) smiling tacklin’ raw chicken? with the boy. too cute. ralph waldo is goodness to my soul. thanks.

    1. Yes, that’s my sister and my son. They both love being in the kitchen–also one of my favorite shots. Thank you, sweet friend.

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