Letting Go
On Letting Go, Part One | My Father
“On Letting Go” is a personal story series of 2023 about releasing people, work, and personhood to God; therefore, it is also a story of God’s kindness and the beauty, comfort, and joy received in
Five Ways to Simplify Your Weekly Planning
Planning ahead can sometimes be hard to prioritize, especially when life feels hectic or when you’re feeling pulled in more than one direction. Even when we make the time to pause and think about the
Our (New) Friday Rhythm
Scheduling an hour or two each week to plan the week ahead has long been a part of my weekly rhythm. These hours have helped me to prepare for our meal-making and learning at home,
A New Year, A Heart of Wisdom
Hello, dear reader, and happy new year! It has been nearly a year since I’ve written in this space, and had I known then, I would have given you warning or at least a note.
Slow Down | A Note from the Future
Liam walked in the door from work recently, sauntering over for a hug and a hello. At 17 and cresting six feet in height, I find I’m the one now cradled at the chest and
How to Take Courage
I read a favorite Psalm this morning and noticed the familiar words: let your heart take courage. The imperative feels simple enough, as though courage lurks somewhere behind the bowls on the kitchen shelf. We
A Time for Silence | Personal Reflections on 2020
Hello, and a happy new year! I have missed this space, and I have missed the connection with those of you in this community. Thank you for your presence here even while I have been
Finding Gratitude in Hard Places
The last eight weeks have had an unexpected thread of familiarity for me, like a found trinket from childhood or an old pair of running shoes. Holding them provokes something deep within me, a small
Gluten-Free Carrot Cake with Maple Cream Cheese Frosting
Spring is in full bloom here, a delightful gift while we are kept at home. Here is another beloved recipe from my sister Kristen to brighten each of your homes right now. These images are

Cloistered Away

encourages and supports women in building beautiful, fruitful homes and lives, written by Bethany Douglass.