confessional stories from a mother of three
This post is for the women who question their ability to parent: you are not alone. And for any of you who have commented about me “always having it together,” this 16 hour period should prove otherwise.   Part One:
little words
me: Do you want to color? Liam: Yeah, that would be great! Let’s color in this book. me: No, let’s color these pages here. Liam: No mom, if you want to color, these are your
please understand me!
                    This book is about personalities. What do I think about it? Let’s just say that I have been reading, rereading, thinking about, and internalizing this book for the last year. I know — it’s
my 29th birthday and dinner with the president
Well, sort of. Thursday was my 29th birthday. Mostly, it was a normal day — nice, but normal. I worked at the writing center in the morning and spent the afternoon hanging out with my family
little words
Burke: I don’t like cats. Bethany: Why don’t you like cats, Burke? Burke: They want to poop in my sandbox. ——————————————————————— (Mark is correcting Liam and poking his finger into Liam’s chest.) Mark: Don’t…again. Liam:
In effort to simplify
“Our life is frittered away by detail…Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!” -Henry David Thoreau Walden  By nature, I am not a simple person. I love details, even the ones that simply remain imaginative, and can easily involve

Cloistered Away

encourages and supports women in building beautiful, fruitful homes and lives, written by Bethany Douglass.