Nine Favorite Read Aloud Books for Spring
Springtime is my favorite season for read-aloud outdoors. In light of the current quarantine, turning our attention to the new life outside our windows feels all the more precious. For those of us fortunate enough
Homeschooling in Pictures | February 2020
an indoor hammock morning lists snuggly afternoon reading a playful self-portrait laundry day first cotillion and an award for Mr. Mannerly (aka “Mr. Manly”) paper revisions in the waiting room focused Algebra work Images by
Homeschooling in Pictures | January
A few years ago, I began this project as a snapshot of days at home, a birds-eye view of our month of learning without parameters or expectations or lengthy passages to accompany them. They are
FAQ | How Do You Keep Your Children On Track to Get Everything Done with Homeschooling?
Perhaps the most uncomfortable truth of homeschooling is this: there is no track. There are various guidelines or expectations provided by the state government, but other than that, the studies and choices in what to
Life Lately | Numbering the Days
There is an ancient story in the New Testament where Jesus takes two fish and five loaves and feeds thousands. I find parenting to be that sort of miracle, whereby we offer what little we
Connection | An Apiary Visit
Connection is a new monthly series here, featuring simple ideas to spark connection points with our children and the world around us each month. In it, I will include books, activities, and style (for fun)
Reader’s Choice | An Audiobook List
There are a million and two reasons to keep your phone tucked away and out of reach during the day, but an audiobook is not one of them. Like many of you, we listen to
One Day at a Time
There is a modern, cultural pressure that we do everything, even that we do everything well. It has taken most of my adult life to learn there is a difference between doing all things well
Borrowed Books, Curious Minds, and a Digital Library
For growing bookworms and movie aficionados, a library card can save oodles in the family budget. Add homeschooling to the equation and a library card becomes a lifeline, and quite possibly a rite of passage.