
A Last-Minute Holiday Gift Guide
Although I do have a few things ready for this upcoming weekend, I seem to be lagging behind the entire holiday season this year. I find the term procrastinator doesn’t suit well, as it implies I’ve been
A Gift Guide for the Homeschool
Gift giving is my love language. Whether it’s something handmade, something gently loved and no longer needed, something you can experience, or something new, I love gifting things that would mean something to the one
Mark and I sometimes reminisce over the way various tastes and scents hold memories for us––a perfume, a spice, a food. Smelling or tasting them can return us in an instant to our childhoods, to
Creating a Simple + Economical Thanksgiving Table
Our family is traveling for Thanksgiving this year, something we haven’t done in several years. Sometimes a change of habit is in order. Still, I have received several questions from readers asking some version of how
Thoughts for the Overwhelmed Homeschool Parent
This space has been so quiet lately, allowing some much needed room to sort out bits of my heart and home. Time feels so tenuous, doesn’t it––the practical substance of our days, yet impossible to
Six Favorites for Glowing Autumn Skin
Although I do much to protect my skin in the summertime, I always seem prone to dry spots and dullness as the weather cools off and summer’s kiss fades. I imagine I’m not alone. The
For the Weekend | Cucumber Basil Margarita
The weekend is here, and I’m bring back an old series to welcome it. This particular weekend marks the bridge between Summer and Autumn for the Northern Hemisphere, a crossover to a new season, an
On Removing the Television from Home
We spontaneously removed our family’s television a month ago, wrapped up it up, set it in the hall closet, and rearranged the living room. At once, we noticed a difference in the spirit of the place. Our
A Reader’s Survey | The Origins and Evolution of this Blog
I began this blog a decade ago next month, just after Blythe’s first birthday––before Olive, before homeschooling, before any personal financial collapse, before Instagram or sponsorships, before a dramatic family move, before cohabitation with my sister’s