wild + free | a beautiful homeschooling conference
I’m so excited to announce I will be speaking at WILD + FREE, a beautiful homeschooling conference in Virginia Beach September 19-21. I will sharing a bit more about our homeschooling journey right alongside several other
for the moment
If I’m honest, there are days I wish I weren’t homeschooling. I imagine someone else taking responsibility for my children’s education, relieving me to my own work. I would be able to workout regularly and
facing fear and doubt
Some of you have already read how we formally started on this homeschooling journey 5 plus years ago. (If you haven’t, you should read it first.) There, I share many of the facts and resources
the sum of it.
Blythe arrived to the kitchen table in a leotard and tutus (yes, plural — apparently one didn’t have enough fluff) for her first day of “kindergarten” three weeks ago. I smiled and nearly fell
Planning and Abiding
In preparation for our school year, Mark and I sit down for an annual planning meeting. Not a date. A meeting. You know, pens, planners, calendars, coffee. We usually get a sitter or swap kid-free