sponsor cloistered away


sponsor-februaryI first began blogging several years ago as a way to share our family with close friends and family not living near us. After having Olive, I took a break, sporadically posting while I adjusted to life with four children and homeschooling. During that interim period, I also reflected on the value and purpose of this space, my own personal goals, and of course, my use of time.

In 2012, I began blogging regularly again. Having clearer vision, I aimed to use words and photographs to record the growth of our family (and myself) in a way that is honest and authentic, hoping to encourage and inspire readers with my own experience. During the last two years, my readership has grown to include new friends and readers internationally. Sometimes, we connect over similar interests and projects and others over matters of the heart. I love this and plan to continue these sort of connections.

This year, I’m excited to announce Cloistered Away will be offering various sponsorships. While there is some controversy about the commercialization of blogs, I have grown to see sponsorship and advertising as a way for me to share brands, artists, and businesses I love with my readers while also helping to support my family. Notice: I will only share products and brands I would wear or use myself, so as a reader these sponsorships will naturally weave together with the already-existing voice and aesthetic at Cloistered Away.

On that note, I am now opening sponsorships for the month of February! If you are interested in working with me, please head over to my sponsor page for more information.

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