camping, the gift of wilderness
“I love cooking in nature,” Liam tells me. He tosses the scrambled eggs around the pan gently with a fork. He’s carefully improvising the spatula I have forgotten. Nearby, two trees cradle Olive and her
in praise of fall
We spent the day at a local event celebrating fall recently. While the event was primarily to help raise money for a local nature conservation project, the kids enjoyed stomping through muddy fields and hills,
the art of Thanksgiving
I love this time of year. The leaves, finally changing colors, form day’s light each with unique and separate detail. “Look at me,” they chorus, and I do. For they, like the dancer on the
turning six | a gift of experience
Blythe, this last year as I watched you shoot out of your lingering baby chubs and try to bite apples with missing front teeth, I realized too soon you’ll be learning to drive and talking
October outtakes
October sailed right past us this year filled with sporadic puffs of cool air (one even requiring winter jackets). As a result, we spent much more time outdoors, often dragging our snacks or school work
an invitation to Fall
It seems the end of September has already arrived — the time of year I begin dreaming of wool and blankets and fires and colored leaves and long pants with sweaters, only to remember I