turning six | a gift of experience
Blythe, this last year as I watched you shoot out of your lingering baby chubs and try to bite apples with missing front teeth, I realized too soon you’ll be learning to drive and talking
a brimming independence
I imagined this summer differently a few months ago. Mark had a full summer of classes planned and our family budget had dramatically shrunk this year, both leaving little room for a typical vacation. As
{this day}: daytrip to austin
{this moment}: A Friday ritual. A single photo capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor, and remember. (inspired by soulemama)
California | celebrating 11 years later
THE BEST OF IT by Kay Ryan However carved up or pared down we get, we keep on making the best of it as though it doesn’t matter that our acre’s down to a square
corpus christi
I recently read an article about the specific knowledge of first graders. It proceeded to give examples of 6 and 7 year-old kids recalling vast amounts of facts concerning specific subjects they adore/obsess over: insects, star wars,