corpus christi


I recently read an article about the specific knowledge of first graders. It proceeded to give examples of 6 and 7 year-old kids recalling vast amounts of facts concerning specific subjects they adore/obsess over: insects, star wars, astronomy, UFOs…etc. For Liam and Burke it’s dinosaurs, snakes, and sharks. We have actually checked out every book our library owns about sharks (even the books on shark attacks) seeing that Liam plans to become a shark specialist of some sort later in life. He (in all seriousness) recently referred to his ribs as gills, and when departing from a friend leaving for Haiti, rather than a casual good-bye, Liam warns, “watch out for puff adders (a type of viper). Just don’t turn over any rocks. Okay?” I suppose if he knew anything about the social/living climate of Haiti, he would realize there are far worse things to watch for than snakes. So although my little men can recall thousands of obscure facts, they often lack context. This little fact of my own helps explain why on one hand they can classify and describe hundreds of species (even extinct ones) or have conversations including 4-5 syllable words, yet regularly fail to recall how to wipe their own butts, tie their shoes, or share with their younger sister.

Anyway, in order to feed the kids’ shark-loving appetites, we managed to squeeze in a little trip to the aquarium in Corpus while visiting some family. They all loved it. Burke’s face in the reflection of the shark tells more than I could possibly capture in words.

the famunder the sea tooshark obsessedthe boys stroking sting raysthe sea turtlesunder the seathe dolphin showblythe with the sting raysjean carol & boys at scoopy'ssara & bmark & oliveSHARK!the miller fam (minus brooke)

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  1. Sounds like it was a blast! You look fantastic, as usual. Can’t believe you just had a baby…you should seriously consider doing that for a living!

    1. we’re glad to be home. diana, I wish it were as easy as you make it sound for this crazy gang to come and see you guys. we miss you terribly, so make sure and tell ella so. totilla, I’m also regularly amazed at how the natural speaks/reveals the spiritual. Lex, you are too kind, but I can think of many other ways that I would rather make a living. Although I do love my children dearly, as mentioned in a previous post, the vagina is NOT a clowncar.

  2. Your description of young people having knowledge without context or understanding pierces my heart as I see myself relative to spiritual truth.

  3. you all look so great! ella says she is missing her cousins…even baby olive. looking at the temp there i say you guys hop on a plane and head this way!

  4. Cuuuuutte pictures! Miss you guys – ready for the douglass clan to be back!

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