homeschooling on the go
Have I mentioned I’m a daydreamer? I know, a daydreaming homeschooler is such a cliche, but truly, words, pictures, ideas — they stir regularly in the space between my ears in such a way that
wild + free
Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art. — Maya Angelou This warm winter weather has continued, allowing for countless hours outdoors
day hike
As I mentioned last week, lately we’ve been indoors more than usual, and while I value indoor activities in their own manner, there’s nothing quite like exploring the outdoors, especially with children. We spent all
three minutes with Olive
While I have millions (I’m sure) of pictures of my children and even several letters and stories about them, I have very little video — very little of their perspectives, like/dislikes, voices. So this
We’ve moved into this new year like a sleep-deprived mother moves out of bed — slowly, bed-head and all. Although Mark did remove the Christmas tree to the fire pit area of our backyard, our
a merry Christmas indeed.
I know. I know. We’re into the first week of 2013 and I’m still talking about Christmas. Here’s the thing: Christmas isn’t a day or even a weekend for us; it’s a week and a