10 | What is your favorite part about Spring?
olive | I love that we can play outside again without blankets or coats! | I cried on the day you were born, partly out of physical relief, partly knowing you’d be my last birth. Even as an infant, you were busy and independent, reaching each movement milestone early and with pride. When we caught you scaling furniture or flipping over the side of your crib or doing pull-ups from the countertop overhangs as a toddler, we called it “training” although we had no idea for what. Today, now age six, you rarely keep still (except to sleep) and are always busy making, building, singing, or creating. Last week, on your birthday, I watched you serve pretend tea and toast to your sister and cousins still in your PJs, and I realize perhaps this will be the best combination of all–a wild heart, busy body, and a willingness to serve and love others. I can’t wait to see who you grow up to be. I love you, wild one, and all the many ways you stretch me.
blythe | I like how pretty Spring looks with all of the sunshine and flowers. | You always find ways to add color and beauty to life around you, whether by drawing or singing or painting. As a toddler, you had such vibrant and ordered art work, each line and color specific to just the right place and mixture. Years later, I see that same vibrance and order in everything you do, from the artful checklists you create to the way you work around our home or play with friends. I love that you see beauty everywhere.
burke | I love that we can lay on blankets in the warm sunlight. | Ten years ago you came into the world in a quiet and peaceful labor. You were small and wide-eyed, silently taking us in. A decade later, you still study the world with patient tenderness, noticing details more of us dismiss or pass by in our haste. I have learned so much about the gift of slower living from you and am so grateful we are in family together–so grateful you are my son. I love you and all the lessons you’re teaching me so dearly.
liam | I love playing, riding bikes, and planting our garden–anything outside! | From your earliest years, you loved being in trees and climbing to their highest parts. Maybe it’s your visionary spirit or your love for adventure, but it seems right when I see your standing on limbs far above me, looking out on the world–as if it’s exactly where you are meant to be.
So sweet. Highlighting their uniqueness. I think that question of ‘who are you?’ fascinates most of us from the time our kids are born. Watching them evolve is beautiful…generally!
I agree entirely, Michael. Life is such a miracle. Parenthood is a gift. I’ve really learned so much about myself by watching and living with them. You’re right–it’s beautiful!
beautiful pictures, beautiful words! Bring on spring, we are so ready!
Yes! It’s pouring rain today, and all I can think of is planting our beautiful garden. So very soon.
I love the way you see your children and the way you find so much beauty in each of them.
Thank you so much, Kari. I suppose we all want to know (especially growing up in a large family) that we’re unique, that we each offer something different than the other. Not better or worse, just different. There’s such beauty when our individuality works together with another’s. I guess I’ve always wanted my children to know they’re seen.