
{this moment}: “Olive, were you in mommy’s purse?”
{this moment}: A Friday ritual. A single photo (or group of photos) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor, and remember. (inspired by soulemama)
ode to spring break
Hail to you, glorious break of Spring, drawing us outdoors into your warm breath, stretching our souls beyond the formal lessons that can banish our inquiring nature to — death? We honor you, glorious break
{this day}: playing outdoors after three days of rain
{this moment}: A Friday ritual. A single photo (or group of photos) capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor, and remember. (inspired by soulemama)
the diggers.
Our kids love to dig! Anyone relate? We used to have a sandbox, where they could unleash their shovel-skills, but we had to remove that space when it became the neighborhood cats’ community litter box.
et lux in tenebris lucet . . .
“And the light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.” John 1:5 We’ve been memorizing John 1:1-7 in English and Latin this year with our CC community (another perk for our family
1. drinking Saint Arnold’s Spring Bock. 2. wearing Booties. 3. trying to eat more veggies. 4. playing outdoors with my family. 5. reading Quiet: The Power of Introversion in a World that Can’t Stop Talking.  6.
{this moment}: morning snuggles.
{this moment}: A Friday ritual. A single photo capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor, and remember. (inspired by soulemama)
a snack-time haiku
three gummy bear rows sticky, almost gobbled up preparing for war.
Or “phree,” as you might say, holding your three fingers high in the air, as if to warn the world before you, “I’m coming!” And the world ought to prepare, Olive, for what’s stirring up