here + there
This week has felt so difficult for some reason. Maybe it was the thick heat that made its way back here, forcing us to shut our windows and turn on the AC again, or maybe
here and there
I am still mentally swirling from my extended weekend trip to Virginia. As expected, the whole experience was both invigorating and exhausting, filling and depleting. I had forgotten the simplicity of traveling alone, the refreshment
on slowing down
Living in modern culture often makes it difficult to appreciate slowness. Being a mother sometimes makes slowing down feel impossible. Like so many other parents, I’m a list-maker and planner, meaning at any given point
here and there
I’ve been thinking about our fall camping trip last year, the beautiful leaves and cool, foggy air, the feeling of fleece and fire. Here in the South, September is always a month of longing, of
on goodness and gratitude
It can often seem a small thing to say thank you. As a parent, I coach my children with these words regularly, “say thank you,” whether for a meal, a day, a gift.  When they
it is well
Each year, August seems to be one of the harder months around here. The long days grow hotter, keeping us indoors more. I also tend to be more preoccupied with lists of projects to complete
on courage
Sometimes perfectionist slips in here, only wanting to present that part of our life which is pretty and organized and complete (even in thought). I try to sit down and write out the drafted in-betweens,
Although Mark and I try to have at least a weekend or two a year to ourselves, we generally go away for those days, holing up in a place where someone else makes our bed
little things
I met my mom for lunch and ice cream yesterday and then left all of my children with her for Nina Camp, a week of fun the grandparents host/plan each summer. The only prerequisite for