We’re trying to establish routines again–a bit of play, a bit of house work, a bit of school work, a bit of rest–dividing up hours of sweltering heat. We barely go outside in the middle parts of the day right now–except for yesterday when I made the older ones run 10 laps around the house perimeter for repetitive arguing with one another. The heat combined with long periods indoors makes everyone grumpier. And don’t worry I gave them plenty of water. (wink.) Olive came home with strep throat this weekend, which means she’s spent the last few days wrapped in my arms or snuggled into my lap. It’s the only redeeming part of sickness, really. She hates her medicine so much that each morning she tries to convince me she’s well enough not to take it, “See mom? My throat doesn’t hurt anymore, so I don’t need to drink that stuff, right?” Apparently, the idea of completing the disgusting antibiotic is too conceptual for the five year-old who doesn’t feel sick any longer.
After a summer of erratic living, I, too, am finding steadier rhythms. I’m waking up before the kids again, and although a part of me grumbles at this, my days (especially the mornings) always go a bit smoother when I begin with an hour or two that doesn’t involve me talking with someone. I enjoy my first cup of coffee in silence, sometimes writing or reading, sometimes watching the sun rise over our neighbor’s roofline. Either way, I feel more prepared to lead my children through our day, opposed to the willy-nilly routine we’ve had most of the last six months–which I always enjoy for seasons.
Although I generally have a simple style aesthetic, it’s even simpler in this heat. Most days, I tie back my hair or quickly sweep it up into a messy bun or braid. I dab a bit of concealer under my eyes–because I never want to look as tired as I am (wink)–swab on a bit of blush and lip gloss, and try to drink plenty of water (after morning coffee). I stay cool in simple summer dresses or shorts, and usually pick one piece of jewelry with it–this time the skyline medallion, courtesy of Market Colors.
You all know how I love highlighting small businesses, especially ones who give back. Market Colors is a business supporting craftsman artists in Africa. Each affordable purchase directly helps these craftsmen build a steady income for housing, food, and education. Plus, their handmade products are beautiful–like this clutch or this wallet both crafted in Kenya. See anything you or a friend might like? Enter cloisteredaway at checkout to receive 20% off. Code expires Friday at midnight EST. Enjoy and stay cool!
shirt (similar) / shorts / necklace / shoes
Oh how I love my j. Crew chambray shirt! Love my target version as well!
When I unpacked my closet, I realized I have 4 different denim/chambray shirts. Considering the smallness of my wardrobe, I’m a little embarrassed. ;)