
a strawberry farm
Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed. ― Mary Oliver, Evidence: Poems Last week the days grew so warm that on one afternoon the kids even ran through the sprinkler in the
the earth’s poem
It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart. ― Rainer Maria Rilke Spring has arrived here, wrapping us with her warm, delicious breath, signaling new birth, disrupting our routines.
a nostalgic longing
Many of us who aren’t farmers or gardeners still have some element of farm nostalgia in our family past, real or imagined: a secret longing for some connection to a life where a rooster crows
you are my sunshine
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. -Kurt Vonnegut It’s mid-February and already our trees are birthing
. . . Sometimes I dream that everything in the world is here, in my room, in a great closet, named and orderly, and I am here too, in front of it, hardly able to
It seems winter went on strike at some point this month, but we didn’t mind. Instead we did what all of you with real winters will do several months from now while we’re profusely sweating
wild + free
Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art. — Maya Angelou This warm winter weather has continued, allowing for countless hours outdoors
day hike
As I mentioned last week, lately we’ve been indoors more than usual, and while I value indoor activities in their own manner, there’s nothing quite like exploring the outdoors, especially with children. We spent all
our homeschool in pictures
 A should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of  his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God