you are my sunshine


sister hugsspring budsIMG_1072running the mowerblytheboys in treesrunning the mower 2liamIMG_1081 IMG_1082brothers

Be soft.

Do not let the world make you hard.

Do not let pain make you hate.

Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.

-Kurt Vonnegut

It’s mid-February and already our trees are birthing new buds. Green eagerly sprouts up, as if in symphony to notes we cannot hear. “Spring is coming,” they beckon, and the birds echo in chorus. I watch my children running a motorless lawn mower across our backyard, laughing. As they chased one another in the warm sun, shedding winter’s unnecessary clothing, these words above [I posted on Instagram last week] return to me: be soft. Only then I realize how often I envy my kids’ sweetness — the purity and simplicity with which they view the world, as if life couldn’t possibly be more than sun and trees and laughter. While I know already they see glimpses of this world’s hardness and pain, they are yet untouched by it. I love this about them, about motherhood — how my heart can be directed toward purity and lightness of heart just by observing them. And although at times they, like anyone, can be unkind with their words and selfish in deed, they love sincerely. If I haven’t said it before, thank you Lord for children.

Children, these are the days I want to savor for you, to return you to when life’s pain comes against you. Whenever it is you happen upon these words, please remember: be soft; don’t give up your sweetness to bitterness and hate. Return yourself to Hope, to laughter.




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  1. Thank you, Juliette! I think we all might miss it because she has Mark’s blue eyes and fairer skin. You know Blythe and I are alike in so many ways — which invariably leads to extremes in our relationship! Ha! More stories to come, I’m sure.

  2. LOVE these.
    And i had not noticed how much Blythe looks like you until that upclose photo of her!

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