simply living | a webinar to clarify your daily routine


simply living

To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. ― Mary Oliver

On my personal (and familial) quest to live more simply, I have learned one overarching truth: simple and easy are not always the same. Living simply requires thoughtful planning and hard work, but foremost it requires paying attention. When our days become out of sorts, many times what I need is not a new method or even a new book, but instead to take time to clarify or clean up what we’re already doing. This webinar will not have any cleaning tips or Mary Poppins wizardry, but I will share five general principals that help keep me focused in my days, balancing home and work life, and that also bring me back when our routine tends to drift. Life is complex, especially as a parent, but maybe our days don’t need to be. Grab a cup of coffee, and join me to discuss how our family returns again and again to simply living. Click the link to register.

Simply Living; Five Steps to Clarify Your Daily Routine

August 2, 10am CST


Q+A included, and the webinar will be recorded

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  1. Hi Bethany,

    I know it’s months later, but i thought I would try anyways. Do you still share the link to this webinar webinar?

    1. Author

      Yes! Have you subscribed to the blog? You should receive the link when you do. If for some reason you don’t, please let me know!

      1. Hey there,

        I finally figured out how to view your webinar. It was not through the link that was given when subscribing. I searched on Pinterest “simply living, cloistered away”—that seemed to work. Your webinar video was at the top of the results. I love your Website and I am truly grateful you share your life and experience with us. It’s always inspiring. -Thank You

        1. Author

          Hello Erica! I’m so sorry for the inconvenience, but am so glad you found it. I’m in the process of tweaking some things here to improve the reader’s experience, and your feedback is so helpful! xx

  2. Your blog is beautifully inspiring! I signed up for your email list, but I have not received a link to the webinar (which I would love.)

  3. I would love to receive a link to this webinar! Signed up for the email updates, but did not receive a link or password.

    1. Author

      Hi Lacey, I’m so bummed that sometimes people don’t receive the link as promised. I’ll email it to you in just a bit. Thanks for letting me know. x

  4. Hi Bethany,
    Will you be sharing this webinar any time again soon? Life for me is a little muddy right now and this just sounds like something that could help clear a path for me. Wading new mom waters over here and finding new rhythms in life. Thanks so much!

    1. Author

      Hi! Yes! It’s still available for free to newsletter subscribers. When you subscribe to the email list, you should receive a link and password. But let me know if for some reason you don’t and we can work it out. ❤️

  5. I would love to access the webinar too if it’s still available!! Thank you for sharing your heart; all of your posts are incredibly encouraging to me.

  6. Hi! I’d love to watch the video! Could you send me the link or password to it? Also I signed up for emails but haven’t received anything yet. Thank you! Love all your posts!

  7. Good morning, beautiful Bethany!

    I’m just catching up with your inspiring stories and selflessly shared, encouraging wisdom and direction! Thank you so much.
    Like others above, I also am a subscriber and would love to learn from this webinar, but did not receive the email or link. If there’s a way to still learn, I would love to!
    I pray your new year is full of lots of fulfillment for all your hopes and dreams for this space!

    1. Author

      Hi Laura! Thank you for letting me know. I just emailed you the link and password. Happy new year!

  8. Hi Bethany! I subscribed a bit ago and watched the webinar, but wanted to see it again to write down the planner ideas – would you mind posting the link/or sending it to me again? Thank you!

  9. Hi, I register but never got the link to watch the webinar. Could you please send it to me. The one you posted says no longer available.
    Thanks for your inspiration.

    1. Author

      Yes, we had a problem with the initial webinar host, so we shared it separately. I just emailed the link to you.

  10. I would love to see this webinar and learned from such an organize woman. Do you mind sharing what type of planner do you use ?

    1. Author

      Hi Alejandra,
      You should have received a link and PW to the webinar after subscribing to the blog. Please let me know if you didn’t, so I can help you out. The planner I use and discuss in the webinar is this one. Wink.

      1. Bethany!
        I was finally able to watched the seminar. Thank you so much for doing this, very helpful.

  11. I would love to see the webinar. Is there a way to access it??
    Thank you ?

  12. I would absolutely love to listen to this webinar! Can you please send it to my email?:)

  13. I know I’m late, but I’d love access to this webinar. On another note, where do I sign up for your newsletter? ?

    1. Author

      You’re not late at all! You can subscribe at the bottom of the page or when a flag pops up here. You should receive an automated email with the code and link to the webinar, but please keep me posted as a few people have not received their emails.

    1. PS – I still haven’t received my newsletter confirmation.

    2. Author

      Hi JR, Yes, there was a glitch that day with the WebNinja, so we sent out a different link. And I’m sorry to hear you haven’t received a confirmation or the webinar. I sent you an email the other day to work out details and get you squared away. Did you notice it? If so, let’s carry the conversation over there, so it’s easier. ;)

  14. Hi Bethany,

    I missed this webinar and would love to be able to see it. I’ve tried subscribing as well but didn’t get any confirmation by email. Is there any other way that I view or get a link to this webinar? Thanks!

    1. Author

      Hi Soha, I’m so sorry to hear you didn’t receive a confirmation. I’ll email you all the info. x

      1. Hi Bethany,
        I also subscribe and didn’t get the info about the webinar. I’m not getting any emails from your site.
        Thank you,

        1. Author

          Thank you for letting me know! We’re still working out the kinks in this transition, so the feedback is really helpful. I’ll be sending out the first newsletter later this weekend, so please let me know if you don’t receive it by Monday.

  15. Hi there,
    Any chance your webinair is still available? I missed the live view and am crossing my fingers I can watch the taped version :) thank you, you are such an inspiration and I love your site and instagram!

  16. Hi Bethany! I am so thankful to have stumbled across your blog this year. Every post is like a vitamin for my soul. I’m a new mom and appreciate your motherhood/living simply pearls of wisdom. 2 questions: Is the webinar recording now available? I can’t take my eyes off those beautiful scones. Mine never rise like that! Any thoughts on sharing your recipe? Thank you again for your beautiful prose.

    1. Author

      Thank you for such kind words, Lauren. Yes, the webinar is now available to subscribers. Did you receive the link and password in your email? Check and let me know. And you can find the blueberry scone recipe here. They’re as good as they look. Wink. Feel free to email with any other questions. x

  17. Hi! Here to enjoy the webinar! Is there a link to click to watch/join in? Thanks!

  18. Hi, is the link still up to sign up for the webinar? I’d like to do so but it doesn’t seemed to be clickable. Are slots still open? thanks!

    1. Author

      Hi Kristin,
      I somehow missed this question, but yes! The webinar is available for all subscribers. If you have subscribed and haven’t received an email with a link, please let me know. x

  19. as always, CAN’T WAIT! i won’t be able to listen live on tuesday but will be anticipating the recording information ?
    have a beautiful weekend!

    bisous, sarah nadine

  20. Is this something centers around raising your children in a healthy way? I am an empty nester and I finally taking the time to eat better. Wondering if this is something for me?

    1. Author

      Hi Sandy, this is not specific around one topic in that way. It’s more about the focus of your daily routine, how you manage your days, and five principles I return to when my days become muddled or too loosely focused. It will be about 20 minutes or so, and I think could be applied to many different areas of your life, in any season. I hope that helps, and that you’ll join us for a brief bit. ;)

  21. Ok…. So I’d SO love to be part of this, but am in the UK… AND on vacation in Norway at the mo! So glad to see I can catch up later!! Hope you will do something like this again soon! (Oh… And have you done it before?? If so, where can I find previous recordings??) I am loving your blog Bethany… It’s a recent discovery but I’m hooked, and love the way you tie up simple gospel living so beautifully! Keep it coming!

    1. Author

      Claire, that is such an encouragement to hear. Also a vacation in Norway sounds dreamy. I hope you’re enjoying yourself. The webinar will be waiting for you when you return. x

  22. Hi Bethany. I was going to ask the same question as Lorena as am in Australia! Thanks so much for this … it looks great! Thanks, Ally

    1. Author

      It’s so difficult to know what time is best for these sort of things, so I’m grateful the recording will allow you and others to enjoy it at your own convenience. Warmest to you.

  23. hi, so excited about the webinar – I’m in New Zealand … because of the time difference will I be able to listen to it later? Thank you!

    1. Author

      Hi Lorena, yes it will be recorded and available to download after the live viewing. I hope you enjoy and have a cozy weekend!

      1. hello from Poland :-) I had the same question, thank you for answering it! I’ll be looking forward to watch/read it later and wish you a great time creating it!

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