
Cloistered Away

is a lifestyle blog, focused on simple, purposeful family living, written by Bethany Douglass.
More About Bethany
happy 4th birthday, burke.
You and your brother love to hear and tell stories. It’s not uncommon for either of you to dictate a story for me to transcribe so in turn you can illustrate it. Recently, you told one like this,
Although always intrigued by bombastically titled books, I generally find myself discouraged by their poor argumentation, weak research, or overzealous rhetoric. Not this one. (I did however feel somewhat self-conscious requesting the title at the local
sunday morning leisure reading
The other morning I entered my room to find Blythe nuzzled in my bed “reading” a little Fredrick Beuchner; it must have been the title that allured her.
As we’re now rolling into the end of February, I’m wishing more than ever that I could channel superpower to freeze time. I suppose that’s the privilege you earn for having to relate to your
food contamination
Recently while entering the local SAMS club, Liam and Burke stopped in front of the giant screens greeting us, where Liam informs me and Burke, “they’re just trying to get us to buy more stuff.” Ironically, he later brought
little words
Sometimes parenting (or cleaning/organizing a house with) young children feels Sisyphean: that I, just like this mythological man, am striving to push this boulder up a hill, only to watch it crush my toes and roll to the
a family announcement not involving babies
My brother Jordan proposed to his girlfriend, Christa, this Christmas. This new and blithely surprising news must have left Jordan feeling invincible, later evidenced  on Christmas morning when he plunged into the frigid deep end
merry christmas 2008
Christmas quotes: “This is SO amazing!” -Liam “This is totally awesome!” -Burke “Happy Christmas-House!” -Blythe
little words
My younger brother, Josh, had heart surgery last Monday for a congenital heart defect only recently discovered. (He’s now back at home in Keller recovering really well.) So, last week Mark, Kristen, the kids, and I