the gingerbread house
  The Gingerbread Man by Rowena Bennett The gingerbread man gave a gingery shout: “Quick open the oven and let me out!” He stood up straight in his baking pan. He jumped to the floor and away
mix tape no. 02 // a winter to remember
Old man Winter has finally arrived here (mildly by some of your standards), chasing the last of the leaves from the branches, forcing us into warm coats and under throw blankets. Although at times I
a holiday gift guide
  In honor of Small Business Saturday, a day promoted by American Express to support small businesses around the globe, I’m sharing a few of my favorite gift ideas for made or sold by small
a rainy weekend: winter’s prelude
It has rained for days now. A cold, relentless rain. I look toward our cactus still propped on our outdoor table, now hunched over like an old man, withering. Cold has a way of making us
only once
Things never happen the same way twice. ― C.S. Lewis The morning is slow, rare for us on any day, especially on a Saturday. Mark has left town for the weekend and the kids and I
. . . Sometimes I dream that everything in the world is here, in my room, in a great closet, named and orderly, and I am here too, in front of it, hardly able to
threads | wine night
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10   These long, blustery January nights are the perfect excuse to host a small, spontaneous gathering
We’ve moved into this new year like a sleep-deprived mother moves out of bed — slowly, bed-head and all. Although Mark did remove the Christmas tree to the fire pit area of our backyard, our
a merry Christmas indeed.
I know. I know. We’re into the first week of 2013 and I’m still talking about  Christmas. Here’s the thing: Christmas isn’t a day or even a weekend for us; it’s a week and a